The GoodLife 2050 - UOS Live Project X LBD

The Learning By Doing Project partnered up with the University of Sheffield School of Architecture, through their live projects programme to create an architectural and urban vision of what a good life could look like in Miramar, Guadalajara in 2050 following a successful transition into a future within a 1.5-2 degree maximum rise in global temperature. The University of Sheffield is ranked 1st in the UK for its Architecture programs according to ‘Complete University Guides’ 2025 league table and top 30 in the world in Architecture according to ‘QS Top Universities’.
This was an exercise in imagination, vision, technical skill and hope. It is part of an ongoing part of the LBD project, imagining architectural and urban visions that ask: what could the world look like, if we got things right?
Below are different visions of what Miramar Guadalajara could look like in 2050: from eutopian, dystopian visions and the current renditions of the site today.
The site is in Miramar in Guadalajara. Guadalajara has a population of around 1,3 million inhabitants and Miramar is a small working class commuter town near the outskirts. It has private land in the centre that is an old ‘Eijdo’ (communal private land), with a ‘colmena’ (community centre) as well as a school. It faces problems with security, water shortage, congestion among other things. The LBD x Sheffield team imagined what the commuter town could look like, if it created the economic conditions to reduce the need to commute, if it had environmental urban interventions, if it had more effective water management techniques and if it centred around aspects of a good life?
Click above to see the approximations of characteristics of a good life: agency, inter-relationality, contemplation and creativity.