Public space – present, detail

Present. Public space.

Some of the plaza is given over to parking (it’s full, with cars circling, looking for a spot). Food trucks have set up an impromptu food area on the edge of the plaza, but refuse still piles up there.

Evidence of poverty taking over corners of the plaza, and there’s some litter in areas, with some bins overflowing.

Few people on the benches, as there’s litter and no shade; traffic fumes and billboards don’t give a sense of peace. We see someone in traffic around the plaza arguing with another driver, or a pedestrian. Cars are obviously parked illegally in parts of the perimeter.

There’s little in the way of soft textures—this is hardscapes with puddles.

Public space – dystopia, detail

Dystopia. Public space.

Much of the plaza is a parking lot, and there’s an entrance to underground levels of additional parking. What greenery there is on the plaza is withering, and litter is on the ground at it.

Benches are broken and not repaired. Those still in good order have someone sleeping on it.

The parking lot now has tents, as well as cars. There are protests in and around the plaza.

The plaza is almost cut off from the rest of the city because of the billboards around it. Smog chokes the place. It is not, by any means, an inviting place, and is more a circuit for cars to be in traffic.

Public space – eutopia, detail

Eutopia. Public space.

There’s evident community use of the public space, with faces or bistros operating from the copse of trees, with little tables around.

In the concha, there are musicians playing, with some people standing around listening.

There are not only trees, but landscaped areas with plantings.

There’s an underground car park, but no surface parking. There’s a charging area for electric bikes and a tram/public transport stop, with people getting on and off.

There are a couple of food trucks dealing out food to people.

Greenery (trees) extend on to the surrounding avenues, making the plaza a connected space to the rest of the city.